
Thank you for investing into the lives of others!

As a church, we finance our work, the facilities and our employees exclusively through voluntary donations.
Thank you very much for supporting us!

We will gladly issue a donation receipt if you provide us with your address when making a bank transfer.

Our bank details:

Recipient: SV-Förderstiftung,
IBAN: DE85 5206 0410 0000 4199 40
Credit institution: EVANGELISCHE BANK EG

Note on transfer:

  • General donations: "Spende Projekt 91304"
  • for our planned new building: "Spende Projekt 91305"
  • for our children's summer program "KiFeWo": "Spende Projekt 91390"


Auch durch einen Einkauf in unserem Büchertisch kannst du unsere Gemeinde unterstützen. Mehr dazu.

Our sponsorship

Dawn Trust Project in Zambia

Introducing our sponsorship project.

You can all details about the Mushili project here:

View Project